Web application for students and teachers management in university. A manager can assign multiple teachers to students and students to teachers. Data is presented in very elegant tables with usage of bootstrap and thymeleaf. Data in table can be sorted and paginated to adjust to personal preferences. Moreover students and teachers can be filtered by their first or last name.
This application was made to help car services organizing their work. User can add new car to a service and put its unique registration number with other information, like color or brand. New car is by default marked as “need to be fixed”, but state can be changed after the car was fixed. Cars are presented in tables which are sorted and also enable filtering all entries depending on the needs.
MyFit App was made in order to help people getting organised with their diet. It allows to add products, where user has to specify nutrition facts about this particular product. Based on all available products, user can create a dish. Every functionality is available after logging in. In order to do that user can use Google Account or create a new account in this service. Data is held in MySQL database and whole app runs with docker-compose.